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Friday, February 25, 2011

Correspondence with my Senator

This morning I received an email from Senator Mark Warner entitled "A grown-up discussion about deficits". Since any democrat in Washington talking about a "grown-up discussion" about anything strikes me as supremely ironic and absurd, I could not let this pass without replying to the Senator. Here is that reply:

Senator Warner,
I received your email entitled "A grown-up discussion about deficits". I hope you can understand how a voter would see such a message coming from you as completely absurd. You voted for every one of the Obama programs that has accelerated at an unprecedented rate our drive into the fiscal ditch. And now that the political winds have shifted you have the gall to suggest voters should turn to you on matters of fiscal responsibility? What a sad joke.
And can you not see the irony of a democrat calling for a "grown-up discussion" about anything? It was the democrats who locked Republicans out of House chambers during the health care debate, and democrats in Wisconsin and Indiana who have abandoned their posts because things weren't going the way they liked. Obama was caught on video early in his reign telling John McCain "the election's over. I won" - implying that Republicans should shut up and behave and let Obama do as he pleased. And you supported him with your vote on every ridiculous, irresponsible initiative. Now the shoe is on the other foot - and the democrat response is to take their balls and go home pouting.
Senator Warner, you and your fellow democrats are the source of the problem. It is patently absurd for you to come to the voters now and suggest we should look to you for leadership on the solution. Your comment about "the simple fact is, drastic and even painful cuts to these programs alone will not fix our structural budget problems" is the classic democrat dodge and your usual excuse for doing nothing and kicking the can down the road. Nothing that you will suggest will, "alone", fix our fiscal problems, either. Does that mean that unless a single solution can fix it all we shouldn't do it? Or is it just that democrats lack the courage and integrity to actually "cut" anything (as opposed to reducing the rate of growth and claiming you made "cuts")?
It's a sad time for our republic when Congress is populated with people so blinded by ideology, so hypocritical and so grossly incompetent to have created this problem in the first place. And to then suggest those same people should be relied upon to fix it is beyond belief. Obama created more debt in two years than all prior administrations in the entire history of the country - and you voted for every bit of it. Please spare me and the rest of Virginia voters the claim that you can be part of the solution.
Thank you
The sad part is there are people out there who will take Warner at his word and believe he's really trying to fix the problem. Unbelievable.