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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Rightwing Extremism"

Below is the text of a letter I sent today to my Senators, Warner and Webb, after hearing about the recent DHS report entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment”.

Dear Senators,

On January 22 of this year I wrote you a letter that included the following paragraph:

“As my representatives in the U.S. Capitol, I am writing to you to express concern about the steady move towards greater government intervention in our lives already taking place under the Obama administration. You may recall that the 10th amendment to the Constitution reads “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” That amendment has never been repealed, but it appears to have been forgotten in Washington.”

Based on the recent DHS report entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment”, are you going to report me to DHS as a possible “right-wing extremist” because I believe that the 10th amendment to our Constitution actually means what is says?

Governor Rick Perry of Texas said today “I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”

Is he a potential “right-wing extremist” as well?

DHS apparently released a similar report about left-wing extremists, but it made no mention or insinuation about the potential for violence from such groups despite their demonstrable record of such behavior. But now Secretary Napolitano suggests, without a shred of fact or evidence to back up her allegations, that returning war veterans and ordinary people who believe that the federal government is usurping powers that rightfully belong to the states may react with violence against the government. Aside from a completely transparent attempt to stifle dissent – what is the purpose of this report? And what facts, if any, is it based on?

Senators, when President Bush was in office one of the most popular bumper stickers said “Dissent is Patriotic”. Apparently Team Obama believes dissent is patriotic only when said dissent isn’t directed at them. Now that there is some legitimate debate and disagreement about Obama’s efforts to centralize control of our lives in the federal government, dissent is suddenly a threat and triggers the standard liberal name-calling in an attempt to intimidate those who disagree with Obama. The irony of a woman who can’t call a terrorist a terrorist, and who feels the need to rename the War on Terror an “overseas contingency operation”, calling ordinary Americans who just happen to disagree with what’s taking place in Washington “extremists” would be hysterical if it wasn’t so sad.

Do you believe that the First Amendment protects my right, and that of Governor Perry and millions of other Americans, to express concern about the efforts currently underway to expand federal government control of our lives? Is dissent still “patriotic”? Do you believe that the Tenth Amendment - “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” – actually means what it says?

The courtesy of a clear response from which I can actually discern whether or not you are taking an actual position on the important questions above would be appreciated.



1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about you blog a few days back and the reference to the Bush bumper sticker which said something like Bush- encourage dissent

    The appropriate one for now might be

    Selling your children's future a trillion dollars at a time
