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Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Triumph of Nuance (and the death of candor)

Every four years, as predictably as the coming of the presidential elections themselves, the media starts talking about "nuance". Invariably, this takes the form of the chattering classes discussing how wonderfully "nuanced" a Democratic presidential candidate is. Al Gore was described as much more nuanced than George W. Bush, as was John Kerry. And of course we were told that Barack Obama was much more nuanced than John McCain.
The implication of all this, and the conclusion the Democrats and their henchmen (or do I need to be politically correct and say hench-persons?) in the media would like us to draw, is that Democrats are wonderfully wise and insightful, while Republicans are neanderthals incapable of seeing the "shades of gray".
But what "nuanced" seems to actually mean, if you pay close attention, is that politicians - and particularly Democrats - are pathologically incapable of providing direct answers to direct questions. I've learned this first hand from my correspondence with my senators, Jim Webb and Mark Warner. In multiple letters and emails I have presented them with very clear, straightforward questions that could easily be answered with a yes or a no, or a clear statement of position. I've ended each correspondence with this request - "The courtesy of a clear, direct response from which a constituent can determine your actual position on these issues would be appreciated." Yet all I receive in response are meaningless, nonsensical talking points that do not even come close to answering my questions.
The same thing happens on television, radio, in press conferences and print - wherever Democrats speak, "nuance" takes over and candor dies.
The downside of all this is that the American people never really hear the whole truth about what's going on in Washington. Politicians nuance their way through every issue, a compliant media fails to hold them accountable, and truth and candor die.
A nation cannot excel on nuance. It can only excel when truth matters, and politicians are held accountable for the truth in all things. Sadly, it has not been so in Washington for a very long time - and there's no "hope" I can see that this will "change" under the Obama administration.

1 comment:

  1. Technology (the Internet) has made the ability to research events, peoples' prior positions and postulations, and ultimate outcomes easier than ever. With this advantage, the media seems to grow ever more lazy. They present simple sound bites rather than any investigative reporting.

    Of course,Congress believes in accountability only when conducting hearings on others.
